Artists of Akunnaaq
Interview with the artists in residence “ARTIST IN ARCTIC”. All December in Akunnaaq village, polar night experimentation.

Interview with the artists in residence “ARTIST IN ARCTIC”. All December in Akunnaaq village, polar night experimentation.
From the life of a firefighter: the performance “Mayday Mayday Mayday” at the Bern Music Festival is an educational and entertaining walk through the Old Victoria Fire Brigade.
A work of «Théâtre Musical contemporain» created by flutist Ludmilla Mercier and percussionist Andrea Zamengo. Inspired by elements of 60s cinema, TV series and music-hall, Lux Æeterna revisits the ritual of the requiem. Tinkering with piano, auditory landscapes, light effects and facetious sound and stage effects, these two artists play with reality, nostalgia and tragedy with disconcerting derision. Let yourself be surprised on Thursday August 23 at the Jardins Musicaux de Cernier. Ludmilla Mercier is interviewed by Anne Gillot
From August 21 to 27, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences hosted the Nicati Competition. Organized biennially since 2000, the Nicati Competition is driven by the desire to reveal, promote and support musicians aged 18 to 35, Swiss or based in Switzerland, who are dedicated to the music of today. This is the only Swiss national competition devoted entirely to contemporary music.
It's a word laden with shadows. As soon as it is uttered, requiem evokes what is no more. It conjures up the solemn farewells, holy water and censer, traditionally associated with Catholic funeral masses. Their liturgy spun with music, in turn inspiring great works of the classical repertoire, including Mozart's celebrated Requiem, which ironically took the form of a testament score in 1791. The requiem sounds the death knell and celebrates eternal rest - in this case, in Lux Æterna, a performance given this Thursday at the Neuchâtel festival Les Jardins Musicaux, that of... a piano.
Traveling through the ice to document a changing wilderness through drawing, engraving, images, sculpture, and music. This summer, two Genevans will have the opportunity to benefit from this extraordinary experience during an artistic residency aboard a sailing boat along the west coast of Greenland.
«Our program is not off-the-ground,» says Valentin Reymond, co-director of Les Jardins Musicaux with Maryse Fuhrmann. «It accompanies, enlightens, and brings people together. The years 2022-23 have been anxiety-provoking. We're inundated with news and we're worried. We want to tell the story of what's going on, but without being leaden, with lightness and humor.»
The 10th Nicati Competition, the Swiss contemporary music competition organized by the Nicati-de Luze Foundation, was held in Lucerne Aug. 21-27. It was hosted by HSLU-Musik, a partner in the event. There were three categories: Solo and Ensemble, where candidates performed Swiss and international compositions written after 1945, and the Open Space category, with creations that did not take the form of a conventional concert. The Competition brought together many aspects of contemporary music: instrumental and vocal pieces, musical theater, electronics, multimedia works, and multidisciplinary performances.
Espace 2 joined some twenty other European radio stations in an international project led by the EBU and Ars Acustica: Art's Birthday! That evening, some 15 radio stations offered simultaneous broadcasts of works of sound art and electroacoustic music. Thanks to two EBU satellites, each performance was made available to all the other countries, enabling live listening to concerts from all over Europe.